At Cole, Scott & Kissane, our commitment to a diverse law firm and inclusive work environment is paramount to the success of our firm and our communities. Diversity only enhances the depth and quality of the advice and services our business can provide. Drawing on the talents of all of the firm’s personnel creates an optimum workplace, one which can attract and develop diverse personnel and clients, allowing it to enter and serve varying markets. At Cole, Scott & Kissane, our dynamic workplace encourages innovative ideas and these valuable perspectives help us with approaching services for our clients more creatively. We continue to focus on minority recruitment and supporting the community in which we live and work. We are ranked #2 in the The 2021 Biglaw Diversity Scorecard with 42% minority attorneys (via South Florida Law firm Diversity Statistics).
Cole, Scott & Kissane is proud to be #RINGCertified!
Recognizing Inclusion for the Next Generation (RING) is a certification program that evaluates an organization’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Allyship. Learn more about our DEI efforts here:
Daily Business Review: CSK Featured as One of Most Diverse Florida Firms
The Daily Business Review (DBR) featured Cole, Scott and Kissane for having one of the most diverse partner classes for law firms in South Florida. DBR analyzed diverse partner promotions that occurred between 2020 and 2022. In this review, DBR considered the amount of promotions for racial and ethnic minorities, and women, as well as underrepresented sexual orientations and gender identities.
Of the 33 attorneys promoted to partner in South Florida between 2020 and 2022, 23 attorneys were categorized as diverse promotions according to DBR’s review criteria. Women represented 49% of CSK’s recent South Florida partnership classes. CSK is also ranked second-best in the country for the 2021 Diversity Scorecard in terms of minority lawyer representation at both associate and partner levels.
Women's Initiative Network
CSK’s Women's Initiative Network (“WIN”) is focused on recruiting, retaining, mentoring, and promoting female attorneys. CSK WIN aims to ensure women attorneys have a supportive work environment and are provided with opportunities to grow professionally. CSK WIN strives to inspire and encourage its women lawyers to be active leaders within and outside of the firm.
CSK WIN’s mission is to promote interaction among other female-driven organizations. CSK WIN partners with its clients’ similar women-geared committees to collaborate on different initiatives and projects such as supporting charitable causes aligned with its mission.”